Music to make a dream come true (Soundtrack)

This soundtrack is the result of a sampling of sounds from Kety Fusco's harp, collected in a digital sound library named Beyond the Harp, Extreme Extended Experimental, available for artists, producers and art lovers on the musicians official website Fusco destabilises the usual perception of the harp, moving away from the arpeggios and sound carpets that the instrument can easily call to mind, thus entering a universe that no listener would ever think belongs to a harp. Fusco has dedicated herself to transforming the sound of the harp, an instrument rich in sonic possibilities, and wishes to make its innovations available to everyone, not just harpists: "For me, thanks to my technique as a harpist learnt during my academic studies, it would be easy to produce arpeggios and soundscapes, but I don't like playing easy. Instead, I'm interested in the harp being freed from any taken-for-granted connotations and for any kind of musician to explore it with a more punk approach"